All from one hand!

eingetragen: 09.08.2017

Flexibility and quality through our own coating technology.

Our HYDROPHILIC GUIDE WIRES, which have been tried and tested for years, are also now being coated in our company.

The steadily growing quality standards and market requirements have prompted us to push ahead with the development of our own hydrophilic coating. Numerous tests with materials and machines have paid off.

The development of our application not only increases our production flexibility but also the quality of the coating.

Endox change marking

eingetragen: 10.07.2017

We place the marking of our medicalproducts and packaging units on the internationalen GS1 standards.

Therefore, the optimum conditions required for the seamless cross-company, transnationel and industry-wide exchange of data and goods along the value chein are met.

 Our GLN-Number: 42 6055441 000 7



more transparency with GS1 standards

Whether items, locations or transport units: GS1 identification and classification numbers support you from procurement, through logistics to sales. With barcodes, the information can be recorded quickly and error-free.

Certifikate as PDF Downlaod: Englisch

We were at the Medtec 2017

eingetragen: 12.04.2017

Many thanks to all visitors who visited us at our trade booth.


eingetragen: 05.04.2017

We were present at the first Endoclub Spring!

With our Flat Adenoma Resection Instrument (FARIn) - Typ-C - Prof. Dr. med. Helmut Messmann (Klinikum Augsburg) carried out a
"En bloc resection at a rectum adenoma". A video was published on Endoscopy Campus (Case/Fall 13).

Single-Handle authorized

eingetragen: 17.03.2017

Our ENDOx polypectomy snare is now with Single-Handle approved for the Market.

Fig. similar

The Single-Handle makes our ENDOx polypectomy snare simple and comfortable in all applications.

endox cooking...

eingetragen: 28.11.2016

... with our employees at a Cooking event!