The healths of our Employers are very important for us

eingetragen: 06.06.2012

 Introduction of a regular physical education / back exercises for all staff to optimize movements   

10 Year Anniversary

eingetragen: 12.10.2011

The company Endox celebrated, the 10-Year Anniversary with all employees.

Medtec 2012

eingetragen: 23.06.2011

 Visit us at the Medtec Europe 2012 in Stuttgart

from the 13.06.2012- 15.03.2012, Hall 3, Booth 3D63

Growth and Expansion of the Company Endox

eingetragen: 04.12.2010

The company Endox Feinwerktechnik GmbH founded a subsidiary in Poland.


A report from the DMG Magazine

eingetragen: 23.03.2010

Edition 3/2010
